生日,节日,背景 by Oleksandr_Yatsenko

"Videophone: Festive atmosphere for a special day! 明亮的颜色, 节日图形和情感背景, perfect for greetings and creating a festive mood."
Wide shot. Side view. 年轻漂亮的非裔美国女人戴着草帽打电话,阿尔法频道. 专业拍摄4K分辨率. 046. 你可以用它.g. 在你的医疗中...
Wide shot. Young gamer shows a thumbs up and looks into the camera, Alpha Channel 专业拍摄4K分辨率. 041. 你可以用它.g. 在你的医疗广告视频中...
Wide shot. Front view. 研究生发短信在手机上,Alpha通道专业拍摄的4K分辨率. 047. 你可以用它.g. 在你的医疗广告视频中...

穿斗篷的孕妇 by FunKeyFactory

关于阿尔法马特. Medium shot. 穿着斗篷背着背包的孕妇在阿尔法频道打电话. 专业拍摄4K分辨率. 4151. 你可以用它.g. 在你的广告视频中,...
Medium shot. 年轻的女学生戴着眼镜坐在户外的长凳上,在笔记本上写笔记. 专业拍摄4K分辨率. 038. 你可以用它.g. 在你的广告视频中,...

Stunning Kids Stock Video to Impress Your Audience

孩子们是最挑剔的观众,他们的注意力值得你付出努力. Cartoon, feature film, and clip creation is a laborious work that requires imagination, time, 优质的材料. 你想为年轻观众推出一个令人兴奋的节目,并从第一秒就赢得他们的喜爱吗? With kids stock video, it's as easy as shelling pears! 现成的剪辑是一个伟大的除了你的动画或卡通的视频序列. 你是在找一个老师给学生讲解一个新话题,还是在找一条在街上奔跑的狗? This collection has options for any of your ideas. Want to know all the details and get started as soon as possible? Let's go!


拍摄过程、计算机图形的开发和编辑都需要花费大量时间. 此外,你需要投入一笔可观的钱来获得一个值得的令人印象深刻的结果. With stock items from the collection, everything is different! They greatly simplify the process of developing a cartoon or a children's game and guarantee a perfect result.

专业人士拍摄和编辑这些模型,所以他们是高质量的. At the same time, they are legal and have no copyright issues. 一切都是简单和负担得起的:你购买和使用资产没有麻烦或额外的费用. A significant advantage is the range of products in the library. 它有各种各样的东西,从孩子们用手机拍摄的视频到学校或幼儿园的卷轴. No doubt that you will find the perfect solution for your production.

In a nutshell, assets have the following benefits:

  • 废物最少化. 从图书馆预制剪辑, 你不需要花几个小时来开发和制作3D模型或拍摄场景. 你不需要雇佣一个电影摄制组和演员来记录一个小片段. Thus, you save time and money for more crucial tasks.
  • 优良的品质. 所有的胶卷都是最好的剪辑和专业拍摄的和谐结合. 多亏了这种方法, 它们是具有大量预算和受众的大型项目的理想解决方案.
  • 负担得起的价格. Renting the location and equipment and hiring the actors cost a fortune. 库存项目为您提供完美的产品,而不打破银行. Another advantage is that you see the result in advance.


由于高质量和品种繁多,卷轴有助于实现您的任何想法. 你是在为家庭制作故事片还是在为儿童制作教育动画片? Ready-made products are the perfect solution for every purpose. 此外,由于易于使用,经验丰富的专业人士和初学者都可以处理物品. They don't require special skills or experience, so all you need is the software and some inspiration!

Here are some ideas that you embody with the assets:

  • Cartoons. Little viewers love films with fascinating plots and friendly characters. 你是否正在开发这样一个项目,并寻找一个关于森林动物生活的场景? Choose an option from the library and enjoy the result!
  • Video games. 你应该通过预览来传达正确的氛围,让用户沉浸在活动中. 使用现成的卷轴,你会告诉你的角色的所有细节.
  • 演讲. 孩子们喜欢卡通人物向他们解释他们需要的材料. Therefore, if you are creating an educational presentation, an intelligent owl video is a great solution to attract an audience.


干净和有吸引力的排版是任何成功项目的组成部分. Readable fonts are needed to create captions, titles, or character lines. 准备好进入下一个阶段了? 点击链接,查看所有最新的排版趋势的灵感.



These are pre-filmed clips that you integrate into your projects. 他们是专业的,有吸引力的,合法的,所以你和他们合作没有版权问题.

Do I need IT skills to customize kids stock video?

No. 资产是易于使用和灵活的,所以即使是初学者掌握他们在任何时间.


Above all, be guided by your preferences, goals, and ideas. 此外,通过阅读描述和评论来检查剪辑的质量. 如果一切都合适,继续购买并享受专业资产.

